Grow your Sales and
Help Small & Medium Enterprises

Partner with GlobalLinker and enable the business growth of SMEs by offering your products and solutions on preferred terms

GlobalLinker is an Online Ecosystem to Connect and Empower SMEs

350,00 Customers


SMEs Globally

1 Million Connections Made

1 Million

Connections Made

248 Sectors and Sub-Sectors


Sectors & Sub-Sectors

164 Countries



Become A Privilege Partner

The GlobalLinker platform offers capabilities, tools and solutions for business growth, operational simplification, and reduced expenses. Our objective is to help SMEs digitise & connect to the global economy, while offering them special advantages on a range of business services.

The GlobalLinker platform offers capabilities, tools and solutions for business growth

A ‘Privilege Partnership’ allows you to offer your company’s products and services on GlobalLinker, and get access to more than 350,000+ potential customers globally. With the opportunity to provide free trials and pre-negotiated offers to members, you can draw increased responses and conversions.

A ‘Privilege Partnership’ allows you to offer your company’s products and services on GlobalLinker

Get listed on
GlobalLinker’s ‘Offers’

Showcase your curated deals especially for SMEs on our platform to attract potential customers

Get listed on GlobalLinker’s ‘Offers’

Get ‘privilege’ user
journeys embedded on
the platform & app

Redirect platform SMEs to specific landing pages or through co-curated journeys to subscribe or use your product or service

Get privilege user journeys embedded on  the platform & app

Share your expertise &
domain knowledge with
350,000+ SMEs

Create articles related to your business and sector to educate members and build trust for your company and brand

Create articles related to your business and sector to educate members
Grow your Business from Anywhere
Grow your Business from Anywhere

Grow your Business
from Anywhere

App Store