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Bookkeeping Basics # 1: Understand the Fundamentals

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Bookkeeping Basics # 1: Understand the Fundamentals

After completing the course, students will feel more confident and knowledgeable on topics such as...

  • What is Income and how do you track it?
  • Which types of Expenses can be claimed by your business
  • The difference between Assets, Liabilities and Equity
  • The Five W's of Bookkeeping
  • Transactions, The Fundamental Financial Equation and Charts of Accounts
  • Accounts Receivables and Accounts Payables
  • Reading Financial Reports
  • Business Odds and Ends such as Mileage Tracking, Credit Terms, Shipping and Freight, Trade Discounts
  • The Top 10 Mistakes Small Businesses Make
  • The Top 6 Tips for Good Bookkeeping
Buy the course now!


Felix D'Souza

Felix D'Souza

Director, Customer Success at GlobalLinker

350+ Business Owners Served

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