Managing Your Energy (not time) is the Key to Productivity

Managing Your Energy (not time) is the Key to Productivity

Learning & Development

GlobalLinker Staff

GlobalLinker Staff

26 week ago — 4 min read

We have limited hours in a day but the amount of work to be done is limitless. With mounting tasks looming over our heads, how do we ensure that we are at our productive best? You may say, by managing our time properly, by prioritising our tasks and so on. No wonder, we have got the concept of productivity all muddled up. The key to productivity doesn’t lie in managing our time but in managing our energy. Yes, that’s right and let’s see how.


1. Find out what drains you

There are activities that spark interest and immediately push your energy bar high and then there are activities that automatically drain you of energy. It could be something as simple as your colleagues dumping huge piles of problems on your desk or participating in a meeting where you are not absolutely needed. Whatever the activity, it is important to identify the reason behind that loss of energy. 

Build your schedule around things that make you feel happy and energised. For example, you could ask your colleagues to present some ideas along with the problem, that could get you motivated about solving the problem and in turn, you are more productive.


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2. Utilise your energy cleverly

Let’s suppose it’s a very important week at your workplace where you need to get double the amount of work done in that same duration of time for which you work for every day. For some it might look like a herculean task and for some a marathon that they need to run. The interesting thing is, the moment you start thinking of your tasks as excessive, you have already devoid yourself of the energy required to work throughout the day. 

There are activities that spark interest and immediately push your energy bar high and then there are activities that automatically drain you of energy. It is important to identify the reason behind that loss of energy. 


The key to managing your energy here is to start slow and steady. Most people get on the race full of energy thinking they can finish everything well in time but in doing so are already drained midway. Be clever in distributing your energy. Break down your work into smaller targets and accomplish one before moving to the next. This will help you remain productive throughout the day.


3. Practice intense sessions followed by a break

What is the key to success for famous athletes like Usain Bolt and Roger Federer? Their practise sessions include intense 90-100 minutes workout followed by a period of rest. You can apply the same to your work schedule as well. Give yourself an hour, if not less, to finish a task and take a 10 minute break thereafter. This will sustain your energy for a longer duration of time.


Also read: How can you embrace chaos and the 80/20 rule that will change your life


4. Spread the energy wherever you go

It has been noted that energetic people spread their energy and positive vibe wherever they go. Be an energizer. Interact with more people, be open to listening and most importantly, be mentally and physically present at the task at hand. This way you are boosting your energy to get things done more productively.


5. Embrace downtime

Last but not the least, enjoy some idle time. You don’t have to be stuck to your workstation all the time. Allow your brain to get energised between tasks. You need to be focused and relaxed at the same time to be productive. 

Discover your strengths and teach your team to do the same and you will have a room full of productive people at your workplace.


Also read: The key to creating a positive work environment

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GlobalLinker Staff

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